Friday, April 19, 2024

On the Way to a Perfect Web Site
Improvement Information

A common problem for businesses with online presence is that there is never any time to improve the existing web site. Reasons are – among others - that the staff members are busy otherwise, that the web site is not seen as a priority or that nobody is qualified for the job. We are ready to take over this task for you. You can simply start by requesting a free evaluation to see what you currently have or you can directly tell what improvements you would like to see.

There are many typical areas that might need improvements. Often the navigation on the site becomes

confusing particularly when different people updated the web site throughout the life cycle. In addition it is not uncommon that the consistency in lay-out (structure, picture use, font selection etc.) get lost. These and many other issue can make it difficult for the visitor to use your site efficiently with the result that you are losing business.

The costs of a site clean-up plus a few improvements do not have to be very high. You might surprised what can be done even with a smaller budget.

Email us with your site information and let us provide with a detailed estimate to bring your web site back to life:

Improvement Inquiry:

Web Site Link:

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